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A full list of events can be found at This calendar can be added to your phone and parents can sign up for notifications about particular events.




If you need a copy of your child's transcripts, please email


Bus service is provided courtesy of the USVI Department of Education and follows the public school calendar. This means parents should plan to transport their children on days when the public school is closed. Families living along the routes listed below should plan to wait with their children along the road during the first week of school as the drivers fine tune their routes and timing.


Tentative Bus Routes/Times


​Location                         Pick Up                            Drop Off

Salt Pond                         7:00 a.m.                        3:45 p.m.

 Calabash                        7:05 a.m.                        3:40 p.m,

 Coral Bay Triangle            7:10 a.m.                        3:35 p.m.

 Cruz Bay Battery              7:50 a.m.                        3:20 p.m.



In order to accommodate traffic, our morning arrival window is from 8:00-8:15 a.m. Parents/guardians should follow the prescribed traffic flow (heading south on Gifft Hill Road for Lower Campus and staying left around the circle for Upper Campus) and pull over into the “kiss and ride” lane. Due to limited parking, we ask that no one park in the school lot during the drop-off window unless they have an appointment. Please do not make a U-turn in front of the Lower Campus and please do not arrive to drop off your child until 8:00 a.m. 



The afternoon pick up window is from 3:00-3:15 p.m. Please continue to follow the prescribed traffic flow (heading south on Gifft Hill Road for Lower Campus and staying left around the circle for Upper Campus) and pull over into the “kiss and ride” lane to collect your child. Due to limited parking, we ask that no one park in the school lot during the drop-off window unless they have an appointment. Please do not arrive to pick up your child before 3:00 p.m. The ELC pick-up window is from 3:15-3:30 p.m., which provides our youngest students a little more time to transition from naps to the pickup line and gives our staff more time to help students buckle into car seats without holding up the rest of the line.


Gifft Hill School has a dress code designed to help students keep their focus on learning by minimizing distractions within the educational environment.



Students must wear the school uniform Monday through Friday on the Upper Campus unless a dress-down day has been specifically approved by the school leadership team.



For the Lower Campus, the dress-down day is every Friday and school uniforms are to be worn Monday through Thursday.



The GHS uniform consists of a collared, solid color polo shirt embroidered with the school’s seal in white or hunter green thread, on the left side of the shirt. If a student or parent chooses not to purchase uniform shirts provided through the school office, he/she is responsible for ensuring that the shirts meet the above requirements and that the overall appearance of the shirt meets a professional standard of workmanship. Students in the Early Learning Center (ELC) may wear a solid colored t-shirt with the Gifft Hill School logo instead of a collared shirt as they adjust to the school routine.



The bottom half of the uniform consists of khaki (tan in color, regardless of style) or black pants, shorts, and skirts. Uniform bottoms should meet a professional standard for length and fit, similar to what is appropriate for the workplace or a religious occasion. Clothing should be free from rips, tears, or holes and worn such that undergarments are not visible.



Students who are not in uniform will be given the opportunity to contact a parent to bring them the appropriate clothing or select a shirt/shorts from the clean, recycled uniform bin. If they refuse these options, they will be referred to the office for non-compliance with the dress code policy.  The school staff and administration are the ultimate authority on whether clothing meets the above standards. In addition to the above uniform standards, the following applies:

  • Hats, caps, hair picks, and sunglasses are not to be worn inside the building.

  • Headphones and other electronic devices may not be visible or in use during instructional hours. If an educational activity requires the use of headphones, the teacher will monitor their use and remind students to remove them prior to transitioning out of his/her classroom. 

  • Socks and sneakers must be worn during Physical Education unless the instructor specifies otherwise. Socks and sneakers or other closed-toe shoes must be worn in the kitchen and gardens during all classes or catering/cleaning activities.

  • Outerwear, such as sweatshirts, must be a solid color and must display the Gifft Hill School logo. No other logos may be visible. Hoods may not be worn covering the head within the school grounds and during school

Gifft Hill School Logo



Mailing address:

5000 Estate Enighed

PMB 356

St. John, US Virgin Islands 00830




Contact Us 


340-776-1730 (Upper Campus)


340-776-6595 (Lower Campus)


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Gifft Hill School, Inc. (EIN 66-0567902) is a tax exempt organization under the section 501(C)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The school prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, gender, national origin, age religion, creed, disability, veteran's status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

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